This entry is part [part not set] of 13 in the series The Prophets and Our Resources


The Prophets and Our Resources


 Review of the previous post.

The previous post, post number 1 of 13, introduced the topic.


Preview of this post.

This post, post number 2 of 13, continues introducing the topic and discusses various attempts that use the Bible in the field of Ecology.

  1. Introduction

B. Other attempts to use the Bible in the field of Ecology


  1. Background


While exploring this topic, it might be noted that some believe that current environmental problems were actually caused by the views of the Bible. See, for example, Lynn White Jr in his 1966 paper to the American Association for the Advancement of Science entitled “The Historical Roots of our Ecologic Crisis” where he ties Judaeo-Christian religious beliefs to an environmental crisis because, he contends inter alia, that religion teaches that humans are dominant and God created the entities in Genesis for the benefit of man.


Preview of the next post.


The next post, post number 3 of 13, continues introducing the top and begins a discussion of ecotheology.

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